Nas Is Like, Really Pissed

it was written

“With all do respect to you all, Nas is NOBODY’s slave. This is not the 1800′s, respect me and I will respect you. I won’t even tap dance around in an email, I will get right into it. People connect to the Artist @ the end of the day, they don’t connect with the executives. Honestly, nobody even cares what label puts out a great record, they care about who recorded it. Yet time and time again its the executives who always stand in the way of a creative artist’s dream and aspirations. You don’t help draw the truth from my deepest and most inner soul, you don’t even do a great job @ selling it. The #1 problem with DEF JAM is pretty simple and obvious, the executives think they are the stars. You aren’t…. not even close. As a matter of fact, you wish you were, but it didn’t work out so you took a desk job. To the consumer, I COME FIRST. Stop trying to deprive them! I have a fan base that dies for my music and a RAP label that doesn’t understand RAP. Pretty fucked up situation…”
Wow! Rap legend Nas writes an angry letter to LA Reid and other top brass at Def Jam Records, demanding that the label put out his album The Lost Tapes, Vol. 2, which he apparently feels they’re stalling. “Stop throwing dog shit on a MAGICAL moment,” he says.