A Few Questions About The Tronc Video

Is this is a real video that a news company made in 2016?

The future of journalism. Period. Is that a sentence? Does it really not get better than the future of content? Does the music kind of sound like a bad Massive Attack impression but with cricket noises in the background? Where did the camel-cap ‘S’ come from in CasSelle? What do circuit boards have to do with journalism? And how come the ‘t’ is dissolving like an Alka-Seltzer tab in water? How do you make content so that people “want to consume it more and more?” Do you add monosodium glutamate? Can you get heartburn from consuming too much content too fast? If you feed local journalism into a funnel, does it not bleed? How do you optimize the content from inside a funnel? When you say “use machine learning to maximize all the time,” what are you maximizing? Will the machines write tweets for brands? Will they still try to make bad jokes? At what point during this video did the string section come in? Why does it take an entire year to increase the number of article pages with Brightcove video players by thirty-four percent? Is it just me or is this a brutally honest video that basically five-sixths of the way through admits, “We have to do the video thing because of money?” Should we all hold hands and watch the second video together?