Irishman Drunk


Is it possible for an Irish politician to drink too much? The Daily Mail thinks so, because it’s going after Prime Minister Brian Cowen for the “truly alarming extent — and duration” of his drinking.

This is a man who has designated Wednesday nights as ‘drinking nights’ — when he is able to imbibe heavily because he does not go into the Dáil [parliament] on Thursdays.

And while Mr Cowen has struggled to avoid being seen inebriated in public, he has the unlimited use of the Dáil’s private bar — making it easy to conceal the true and worrying extent of his consumption.

It is an open secret in the Dáil that at Leader’s Questions, Opposition spokesmen tailor their questions according to whether or not the Taoiseach is hungover. If he has had a particularly heavy night, they try to bait him — leading to the sort of angry outburst from Mr Cowen that they know will guarantee them television exposure.

Deputy Prime Minister Mary Coughlan defends her boss, notes that, “If we as politicians and as human beings are not allowed to live in this country with the freedom that every person else has, it’s a very sad day.” (Cowen had come off poorly in an early morning radio interview after “socialising until after 3am” the evening before.) The Taoiseach (pronounced “bleaaaaaargh”) has pledged to be “a bit more cautious in terms of that aspect of how I conduct my social life.” Given the array of pictures of a seemingly sozzled Cowen the Mail runs with its story, a little extra caution may not be a terrible idea.