Axel Boman, "The Chains of Liberty"

Axel Boman, “The Chains Of Liberty”

One of the few benefits of the rapid reduction of American intelligence is that its prevalence and volume is so relentless that after a while you find fewer outright objectionable examples of the massive ignorance all around us to trip you up; it’s just always there, like the air or the trees. You might not like it, but at least it’s not as shocking anymore, and you can go about your day more easily when you no longer need to pause and look around you and scream, “Sweet mother of fuck, am I the only one left who sees just how shit-all stupid this is?” as frequently as you once did. I am developing a theory that our gradual acceptance of this omnipresent imbecility is, in some ways, making life easier. Take, for example, the perception of time: It used to be that a four-day week somehow felt even longer than the usual Monday-to-Friday routine. But this week practically zipped by, and I think it’s because we’re all so acculturated to the constant barrage of idiocy that was once so toxic and trying that we almost float above it now. I mean, yes, it will all end badly, but at least it will be a smooth ride until we come to that jarring and terrible finale. In any event, the weekend is here and it wasn’t even that hard to get to. Thanks, dumbassness! Here’s a song to help you through the last stretch. Enjoy.