Restoring Honor: The Rise of Mormonofascism

by Abe Sauer

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America is under attack from a religion that would see its freedoms taken away, see the clock of progress turned back and assure the institution of a theocracy. These religious fanatics are building their houses of worship in our backyards and, worse, being recognized by the highest levels of our political system. As it is often said, they hate America for its freedom.

Of course, we’re speaking of the Mormonofascists.

Alarmists would have Americans believe that Muslims are looking to entrench themselves in American communities to, if not commit outright terrorism, infect the American culture with a theocratic system of worshiping the Koran. And for sure, Islam itself faces major questions about tolerance, best summed up by Christopher Hitchens in his statement that “We are wrong to talk as if the only subject was that of terrorism.”

But make no mistake! There is a deeper, more sinister threat to American freedoms and our way of life: Mormon fanatics. From massive out-of-state financial support for anti-civil rights legislation to clandestine leveraging of media power for demagoguery, this specter has no greater current American practitioner than Glenn Beck. One of them, quietly downplaying his religious affiliation right now, sleeper style because it’s politically convenient, even wants to be our next President.

Which is more dangerous: A bunch of guys kneeling on carpets a couple of times a day near your home, with maybe a tiny handful of them academically planning your death 12,000 miles away, or a church pumping millions of dollars to secretly influence elections in other states, with Glenn Beck using his considerable clout to promote the Wallbuilders organizations? This is an outfit that, in its own words, means to:

exert a direct and positive influence in government, education, and the family by (1) educating the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country; (2) providing information to federal, state, and local officials as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values; and (3) encouraging Christians to be involved in the civic arena.

This country is being transformed. It’s way beyond prayer in school. It is way beyond the war on Christmas. It is into Mormon nationalism.

As for preposterous reaches of the scripture’s fundamentalism, which is harder to believe? That however-many virgins are waiting for you in heaven or that an angel appeared before a 19th century ne’er-do-well to reveal to him golden plates containing an unknown American religious history which the man then translated using stones placed in a stovepipe hat, only to later lose the plates back to the angel before anyone else could ever see them? (A note to Americans: That both religions in their most fundamentalist form endorse and condone, as the pinnacle reward for piety, sexual access to numerous virgins suggests that they could eventually team up to rise against our liberty. Be vigilant.)

Which “training camp” is more dangerous? A sand lot equipped with monkey bars in some ditch half a world away, or a university with a $500 million endowment and an MBA program ranked in the nation’s top 20?

Did you know Mormonism is the fastest growing religion in the United States? If just three percent of Mormons are Mormonofascists like Beck, that’s an incredibly large number of them looking to turn back progress and reverse American freedoms. And, sure, the Islamists are building a few mosques here and there, but the Mormons are building many times more temples every day in our neighborhoods. Maybe you have not noticed them, since they usually draw no attention to themselves, often appearing to be just any other American church. That’s not an accident.

This is a disease in America. It’s not just spending, it’s not just taxes, it’s not just corruption. It is a Mormonofascist drive to a theocratic utopia. Every time Mormons achieve positions of power, we lose more of who we are. When you give up your right to struggle, you’re giving more of your freedom away. We are destroying our children’s future. There comes a point where you must stop and realize that we cannot do this. In fact, there is a cancer that is radicalized Mormonism, and it must be cut out or it’s going to kill all of us (including the good Mormons).

And yes, there are those good Mormons. It’s a small portion of Mormonism that is acting to destabilize and bring about the downfall of the American values of freedom we love. But where are the good Mormons speaking up? Why don’t we hear from them? Why don’t they denounce the evil Mormons?

Make no mistake, the flame of freedom is dwindling. The shining city on the hill, the sun is setting. If you don’t want it to go out on our watch, then you must stand in the blaze. The fire of truth that does not burn those who stand in it, but consumes everything that is not! Point others to the truth!

I beg you, America, I beg you. Great and powerful evil is on our doorstep. Great and powerful evil is here. I beg you, read about the Mormons like Glenn Beck.

Abe Sauer begs you!