Two Ways Of Looking At Tony Blair

Krishnan Guru-Murthy, of Channel 4’s Snowmail, writes: “In a masterstroke of PR, two weeks before his book goes on sale, Tony Blair has said he will donate all his personal profits from the book, including a reported £4.6 million advance, to the Royal British Legion — to fund a special centre to help injured troops. This means no matter what your opinion of Blair — whether you think he is a raving war criminal who should spend the rest of his days rebuilding Iraqi roads that have been blown up by roadside bombs, or if you believe he was one of the greatest and most principled prime ministers Britain has ever had — you can now buy the book free of any notion that you are putting money into anyone’s hands but his publishers, agents, book stores and the tax man — and now a charity for injured British troops.” Well, yes, those are two ways of looking at it.