Bitey Clubgoer Defended By Grandma

“You don’t do something like that without provocation — believe me.”
 — A woman claiming to be the grandmother of James “Jane Lane” Leahy, who is accused of chomping down on the ear of a fellow clubgoer during the wee hours of Monday morning at the midtown lounge Highbar. I look forward to what could have provoked this attack — the attackee claims that Leahy started things with a glassing, but surely he’s plotting to claim that there was something else afoot. Was the kitchen closed? Did Leahy feel like he needed an extra-special ingredient in order to justify the price of one more $16 cocktail? Or is nightlife at those sorts of expensive places just endemic to the kind of rage that has to be bottled up until your teeth are on someone’s earlobe and you just… can’t… stop yourself…