My Men of Journolist: An Empty Inbox and a Broken Heart

by Anonymous


I was tempted by Andrew Breitbart’s offer of $100 grand for the full archives of Journolist-but I could never sacrifice the deep, sensual, never-ending love that Ezra Klein has given me year after year. The Daily Caller’s Mark Judge may not be impressed by my dating choices (“People have made cracks about the whiteness of the list, but the other lack of diversity is the total absence of hotness”). But the heart has reasons that reason knows not, Mark. And come on, you can’t NOT look into Chris Hayes’ baby blues and swoon.

When Ezra turned out the lights on Journolist, he turned out the lights in my heart.

You know how sometimes you think you have something good going with someone and then they just, to put it bluntly, stop returning phone calls/texts/run away when they see you on U Street? Well, with a private email list of this magnitude, loneliness evaporates. Doesn’t matter the time of day or night, ONE of them will be there, chatting away about war criminals, or GITMO, or how great Journolist itself is.

Since we live in an age of airing every little dirty secret, I’ll give you a few details-free of charge!

From: Matthew Yglesias
to: Journolist
date: Fri, Jan 15, 2010
subject: PPP and health costs

Can any of the economists on the list explain to me how Purchasing
Power Parity adjustment calculations are applied to health care? It
seems to me that it would be very difficult to get an apples-to-
applies comparison of what costs are.

Have you ever experienced just like, total, pure, unadulterated satisfaction? I have. Of course, the news wasn’t always good-there were hard times too.

From: Michael O’Hare
to: Journolist
date: Fri, Jan 15, 2010
subject: Not Manny!….

Fifty games!

So Mark, I know what you mean when you say that looking at the men of Journolist, you realized “once and for all that Nietzsche was wrong.” The whole eternal return concept isn’t so awful when you have all of Journolist to relive, again and again.

When I told my mother about my love life, she was concerned, too. “Who will wed you now?” she’d ask. What she and Andrew Breitbart both don’t get is that Journolist is more than just a group of dudes emailing each other state secrets-it’s also a marriage. Deal with it, NOM.

So I’d like to offer a heartfelt thank you to for posting their Journolist Yearbook-now I’ll have something to always remember the best 400-odd one night stands of my life.

The anonymous author is currently shopping around for sexxy anonymous political listservs on which to lurk.