The 'Twilight' Movies End in Horror


If you haven’t read the Twilight books (or, like me, read the plot summaries on Wikipedia), then you may not know how the shiny vampire series ends. So I won’t “spoil” it in the interests of bringing you this insane and terrifying quote from the screenwriter. But now that I’ve given you the chance to look away…

It ends in a horrifyingly graphic vampire childbirth scene that ends up breaking protagonist Bella’s spine as she births a vampire baby that tears itself out of her womb. Hot Topic merchandising anyone? And according to an interview earlier this week with Melissa Rosenberg, screenwriter of the Twilight franchise, the end of the series on the big screen will remain faithful:

The childbirth — all the scenes, I feel — should be on screen. I think perhaps what I was referring to was, would we actually see Edward’s teeth through the placenta? I don’t think so. I don’t think we need to see that, and if someone needs to see that, I think they should take a look at that. [Laughs.] I believe it will be implied, but I don’t think we’ll see teeth in the placenta.

I feel like explaining anymore of the context to this would only kind of ruin the sublime WTF-ery of the above quote. If you’d like to find out more about Twilight’s plans for wrapping up the movies, Popsugar has the rest.