Turns Out All American Colleges Are Actually Giant Daycare Centers (Duh)
In another “shocking news to no one” research project, The Delta Cost Project discovered definitive proof of what everyone in world has been thinking since the 1950’s. The report, “Trends in College Spending 1998–2008 [PDF],” concluded that colleges and universities from all over the country are literally throwing money at high end student centers and methods of increasing “comfortability” for students (and we mean literally, like administrators are actually having huge money fights). The story has been picked up by news-soup extraordinaire The Huffington Post who linked it to a New York Times article trying to explain the, ya’ know, frivolousness of American higher education.
Best quote:
“’This is the country-clubization of the American university,’ said Richard Vedder, a professor at Ohio University who studies the economics of higher education. ‘A lot of it is for great athletic centers and spectacular student union buildings. In the zeal to get students, they are going after them on the basis of recreational amenities.’”
File this your “everything you think about stuff is probably true” folder.