Man Admits He Is Responsible For Not Writing His Book

“My book doesn’t exist because I have never taken steps to make it exist, beyond writing. Simple as that. If I had taken those steps it still might not exist, because I might be a crap writer or not what publishers want. But that’s irrelevant — you can’t win if you don’t take part. I have every advantage and privilege a writer could want, and if I didn’t turn vague daydreams of ‘I’d like to write a book’ into an actual plan to write and sell a fucking book, that’s on me. I’m upset with myself that this has made me glum this afternoon — I’ve obviously got some nasty reserve of entitlement backed up.”
— You don’t see this kind of honesty enough, which is probably just as well, because if we saw it as frequently as it needed to be seen we wouldn’t see anything else.