NPR: Swearing Is A Trait of East Coast Elitists


Recently, NPR aired the word “goddamned” again, this time in a quote from a Tom Cruise-in-character-as-Les Grossman appearance, and boy howdy is America upset about the taking of the Lord’s name in vain. But don’t worry, NPR’s ombudsman (who is a woman! Which gives me pause that she should be opining on language usage!) is on the case. She writes: “I’m seeing the question through a different lens-one that is not based in the New York-Washington corridor, where this example of offensive language often goes in one ear and out the other.” While it’s surely true that in “real America” it is sometimes considered offensive to Christians to use “God” or “Jesus” or “The Lord” as an oath, there is no way that you can convince me or ANYONE ELSE IN AMERICA that “swear words,” especially including goddamned, are a “beltway,” “corridor” thing. (Elitist corridor Vice President Joe Biden be damned, of course.)