Some Words That Will Probably Not Make The Ads For "The Last Airbender," Presented In Poster Form


How allegedly bad is M. Night Shyamalan’s adaptation of the popular animated series The Last Airbender? Over at the movie-review clearinghouse Rotten Tomatoes, it currently stands at 7% “fresh,” i.e., good in any way at all! For comparison’s sake, let us note that even Marmaduke and Grown-Ups broke the double-digit mark on what the site refers to as the “Tomatometer.” But what is it that makes this particular movie more unwatchable than the filmed adventures of a CGI’d Great Dane with the voice of Owen Wilson? I tried to find out via the magic of word clouds!

Below, please find the cloud that results when you cut and paste the pull quotes from those critics who Rotten Tomatoes has deemed “more credible than the guy from” (A larger version is here.)


Yipes. I even left in the two nice reviews in the rundown to keep things a little less depressing!