Author Uses Poultry, Bears, Paper Dolls To Explain New Work

“Each of these six headless doll outfits represents a specific essay. Not all of the essays have accompanying dolls. So what does an essay have to do to garner this mildly batshit doll treatment? I guess it has to melt down easily. Which isn’t to say I wasn’t aiming for some lofty complexity in all of these essays. But their visuals in these six stuck with me in a way I felt would reproduce humorously on a paper doll.”
-How Did You Get This Number, the new book from Awl pal Sloane Crosley, has a bear on the cover. There is even a bear in this video trailer. I’m pretty much legally obligated to link to it. But also I have read the book and very much enjoyed it. I’m obviously biased, but I feel it’s a solid step forward from her previous essay collection; it’s stronger and more in-depth without sacrificing any of the humor that made her debut so enjoyable. Also, her new website has a slideshow of representative chicken dioramas, which, come on, is totally something Tolstoy would have done had the technology been available. The book is out on June 15, but you can find information on how to pre-order it here.