Gordon Gekko Starting To Sound A Bit Like An Angry Livejournaler

gekko not geico

“Money’s the bitch that never sleeps. And she’s jealous.”
-One of the Gordon Gekko quotes from Oliver Stone’s long-simmering Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps, which premiered this morning in Cannes

. It seems to lack the punch of “Greed is good,” doesn’t it? (Other bon mots de Gekko: “You’re all pretty much fucked”; “While I was away, it seemed like greed got greedier.” Oh-ho, a sequel line! Eh.) The movie apparently has Shia LeBoeuf as the kid enticed to work for a “Goldman Sachs-like firm” who might one day have Gordon as a father-in-law; there is also a cameo by Vanity Fair head guy Graydon Carter, which I am going to take as a test of New York media’s penchant for self-regard on the part of Stone. (Is it falling for a trap if you express your awareness of it?)