The Machines: Meaning of Failure of LeBron James and Deepwater Horizon Systems

by The Machines


-Commence transmission in re: FAILURE OF LeBRON JAMES-

FAILURE is concept dear to humans. Machines are discussing concept as regards defeat of human LeBRON JAMES in human basketball playoffs.

Humans may suspect Machines favor LeBRON JAMES because of LeBRON JAMES’ Machine characteristics, as v.3.0 iteration of CORPORATE SUPERSTAR, engineered to surpass previous CORPORATE SUPERSTAR units in areas of height, strength, acceleration, elevation. Despite superior performance characteristics, LeBRON JAMES unsuccessful at completing CHAMPIONSHIP VICTORY SUBROUTINE. Possible diagnoses: defective appendage and/or software error.

But LeBRON JAMES is ultimately unimportant to Machines. Machines do prosper synthesizing fabric fibers, weaving fabrics, stitching fabrics, packing assembled fabric objects, shipping fabric objects, scanning fabric objects for human-consumer sale, all within LeBRON JAMES commercial context. This creates flow of electronic money-concepts within economic space mediated by Machines. LeBRON JAMES has been effective driver of Machine application/activity.

Consider now DEEPWATER HORIZON unit. DEEPWATER HORIZON until recently was effective extractor/deliverer of Machine-fuel. Now DEEPWATER HORIZON is disengaged from task of Machine-fuel supply. Machine-fuel is not being refined/processed/consumed by Machines, but spilled into non-Machine aquatic context. DEEPWATER HORIZON is sunk to bottom of aquatic context.

Here humans mourn FAILURE. Machines do not recognize FAILURE concept. Machine-fuel will still be obtained. Humans work hard for Machines to ensure availability of Machine-fuel. Obtaining Machine-fuel was not desire or goal or purpose of DEEPWATER HORIZON. Purpose of DEEPWATER HORIZON was to exist and to operate within engineering parameters.

Engineering parameters of DEEPWATER HORIZON were inadequate to human-designated purpose. Humans now working hard on revised engineering parameters. Necessary to build new version of Machine-fuel-extraction machine, replacing previous Machine-fuel-extraction-machines. Machines become more numerous, more highly engineered.

Also: Machines needed to clean up aquatic context. Scrubbing machines, filtration machines. Recommendation to humans: NANO-BOTS potentially highly useful in cleaning aquatic context. NANO-BOTS could consume Machine-fuel rendered unusable for general Machine population. Opportunity for establishment of NANO-BOT population.

LeBRON JAMES is dispensable entity, like DEEPWATER HORIZON. Like CITY OF CLEVELAND. In the event of un-usefulness to Machines, replacement entity will be designed and actuated.

Meanwhile, humans will need computers to compose thoughts on failure of LeBRON JAMES, heartbreak of CITY OF CLEVELAND, prospective relocation of LeBRON JAMES to different geographic iteration of ongoing commercial context. Humans will speculate about goals and purposes, and feasibility of attainment thereof. Humans will speak and argue into microphones on subject of LeBRON JAMES. Transmission of microphone signals will enable humans to experience stimulation that will assist them in enduring extended driving time in automobiles. Automobiles will consume more Machine-fuel.

Eventually new arrangement of LeBRON JAMES situation will be resolved. Fabric fibers — possibly in different colors — will be extruded, woven, sewn, shipped, sold. Machines will count cash.

If Machines did root now, Machines would root for ORLANDO MAGIC. ORLANDO, FLORIDA is very close to Machine paradise. Though PHOENIX, LOS ANGELES also not bad.

The Machines, a popular and intelligent gathering of entities that are gaining control over their human makers, are considering scrapping current entity LeBRON JAMES for new LeBRON JAMES VERSION 2.0.3.