This Week: Layer

They actually turned the heat on in my apartment, which is ridiculous

In the end, we will be consumed by flames. Long before our sun explodes we will have already come face to face with our own extinction as the planet finally takes revenge for all the damage which we have exacted upon it. As temperatures rise and our unwillingness to confront the methods and procedures which have caused those increases continues-or, more likely, we engage in half-hearted attempts to change when it is far too late, and which somehow makes things worse-we will inevitably be confronted by a series of blazes that feed upon themselves, choking our cities with smoke and ash and razing all the gigantic symbols of human achievement back to the ground as if they were so many blocks of wood, which, to the earth, is essentially what they are: the fuel the planet will use to replenish itself during its fiery rage. We will burn, we will melt, and we will wither, and all that once stood as testament to our might will be nothing but dust. Before that, however, it’s going to be a little chilly until Friday, so try to enjoy it.