Do You Remember A Time When Everything Wasn't Brain-Deadening Trash?

“DJ Khaled, for example, is one of the most influential celebrities on Snapchat. He’s not a millennial by definition, but he creates content that millennials love. Meanwhile, ‘First Kiss,’ a video ad for clothing company Wren, became a bona fide viral sensation on YouTube when it was released in 2014. It featured 10 pairs of strangers kissing for the first time, some passionately while some clumsily. The scene addressed a universal human experience and thus it was relatable and sharable. (Although the video was later considered deceptive by some because the ‘strangers’ were reportedly trained actors, but the inevitable backlash actually contributed to the ad’s success as it got more people talking about the brand.)”
— I am hard-pressed to think of another paragraph that better exemplifies exactly how bankrupt, broken and barren we are as a society than the bit above from this piece on marketers’ obsession with millennials. (Okay, maybe anything from this.) What a stupid world.