D.C. is the New New York!


If you fall into Washington Life magazine, and why wouldn’t you, you would know that not only was there recently the Bachelors and Spinsters Ball (which we presume was a feminist take-back of “spinster”? Right?) but there was also a party called The Young and the Guestlist. Which, wow! It’s like Sex and the City 3: I Peed Myself Waiting for a Mojito up in D.C. these days! In part probably because the new administration actually now sometimes hires people of color, I think, as well as that peculiar old D.C. standby, the lantern-jawed white man, there’s definitely a frisson of fun in our nation’s capitol! Too bad they’re probably all real estate brokers and far-right policy wonk suck-ups. (Still, that might be better than New York- an improvement over real estate brokers and commodities analysts, am I right?)