In the Last Year, It's Like the Entire City of Philadelphia Lost Their Jobs

In the Last Year, It’s Like the Entire City of Philadelphia Lost Their Jobs


New employment numbers today! Here’s a brief digest for you. 48,000 people were hired by the census; “Service-producing industries added 121,000, including 39,000 in government.” There were 13,310,000 unemployed people a year ago; as of this March, there were 15,005,000. The number of people unemployed for more than six months is double what it was a year ago. Average weekly earnings went from $750.72 to $763.98 over the course of a year. The full-time worker (“unemployed persons who have expressed a desire to work full time or are on layoff from full-time jobs”) unemployment rate was 9.3% a year ago; it is now 10.5%.