Men "Also" Take "Job Breakups" "Harder" Than Women!


As we all know (right, ladies?), men have a “harder time” with relationship breakups than women. But that is not all the suffering that men do in this world! Come to New Jersey and meet the unemployed guys: “Ridgewood’s Men in Transition group-not to be confused with a Men in Transition support group for teenage fathers in Minnesota or Men in Transition for jailed inmates in Texas or Men in Transition for men going through divorces in Seattle-is for men who have been laid off from their high-paying Manhattan jobs in business and finance.” The Coach of this group explains all to Irina Aleksander: “In my experience, this is not something women struggle with. They can just get together for the first time and really put it out there, talk about their feelings and what they’re going through. Men would never be able to do that. Even when it’s only men, they have difficulties.” Don’t you feel bad, women? (And even if you somehow don’t, this is still a great read.)