New York City, June 4, 2013

★★★★★ The light was so dazzling it seemed like it had to be warm, but the air was cool and fresh. A woman’s teeth gleamed much too whitely in the shade of a scaffold; a support beam showed like a false stair tread through the light-flooded translucent landing on the way to the bottom of the Apple Store, causing a stumble. Breezes wandered the downtown streets, past the motorcyclists and the map readers. Two Citibikes peeled off the rack in the afternoon as one pulled in. Riders were out on their private wheels: a folding bike, an electric bike, a bike accessorized with a live dog in a wicker basket under a parasol. The breeze and the radiance took turns overwhelming the relevant senses. Sunset was clear and compact, an edge of bright orange, with Venus standing out like a beauty mark on the pristine blue above.