A Poem by Jason Zuzga

by Mark Bibbins, Editor

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam understands
if you have to go to the bathroom.

If you tempt me with your smile,
I will encase you in gelatin.

I love you porkchop, you say to your porkchop.

I love you porkchop, you say to your doom.

You cast seed onto the field
and shape a soft maze.

The penguins’ speed is such that they shoot up
ten feet or more then plop down onto the ice.

Fifty million soup labels will buy them a basketball.

The ocean with three fish left.

We all sleep alone, says Cher.

The last box of low-salt Triscuits. Half full.

Jason Zuzga’s debut poetry collection, Heat Wake (Saturnalia Books), has just been published.

You will find more poems here. You may contact the editor at [email protected].