Idiot Bigot Folksinger Surprises Old Fans By Being Bigoted Idiot

Michelle Shocked had a following in the 1990s for her leftist lo-fi folk music, but now she’s an old bigoted religious fanatic. This is fairly well known — she’s basically Victoria Jackson — but booking agencies were still putting her in clubs until Sunday night in San Francisco, when she went into an anti-gay rant at Yoshi’s Supper Club.

“When they stop Prop. 8 and force priests at gunpoint to marry gays, it will be the downfall of civilization, and Jesus will come back,” Shocked told the crowd at Yoshi’s in San Francisco, before many of them reportedly walked out. “You are going to leave here and tell people, ‘Michelle Shocked said God hates faggots.’”

And then the singer’s one-time fans destroyed the only record anybody had ever bought by her, just like when John Lennon said the Beatles were more popular in the 1960s than Jesus Christ — which was at least a true statement about the new phenomenon of global celebrity.

It is much harder to destroy a CD with your hands, but this guy is determined. (And it’s much less dramatic to delete a file from iTunes, but at least you can recover it, if you want to hear that one song again someday, after Jesus returns.)