You Are Depressed On The Internet
If you tend to surf the Internet obsessively you are probably depressed, says Science. Let’s look at the numbers!
Psychologists at the University of Leeds in Britain evaluated the Internet use and depression levels of 1,319 people ages 16 to 51. Of this group, 18 people (1.2%) were classified as Internet-addicted. When these 18 people were compared with 18 similar people who were not Internet-addicted, the researchers saw striking differences in depression. The 18 non-addicted people were not depressed while the 18 Internet-addicted people were classified, as a group, as moderately to severely depressed.
Apparently the Internet addicts-all 18 of them-”tended to use the Internet more for sexual gratification, gaming and chat rooms, compared with the non-addicts.” I think the real news here is that they managed to find 18 people who are so well-adjusted and content that they don’t tend to use Internet for sexual gratification, but I guess it takes all kinds to make a world. [Via]