Haitian Pact With The Devil: A Clarification

Haitian Pact With The Devil: A Clarification

Pat Robertson’s ability to use any natural disaster as the springboard for a provocative and deeply ignorant remark that expresses his own blinkered and bigoted worldview of “morality” is so commonplace and predictable by this point that it usually seems unworthy of noting. His comment yesterday about Haiti having caused its own massive tragedy by making “a pact with the devil” falls well within this category, and ordinarily I’d ignore it, but this response by Haitian ambassador Raymond Joseph is so perfect-direct, intelligent, filled with more history in one minute than pretty much anything you see on most news programs all evening-that it deserves as much currency as it can get. It’s a shame that we live in a world where something like this is both necessary and remarkable, but there you are.