Poll: "Blacks Not Particularly Optimistic About Future"


“Poll: Blacks optimistic about future.” Let’s look at CNN’s exciting new poll numbers!

CNN: “Thirty-nine percent of African-Americans said the ‘situation of black people in this country’ is better than it was five years ago, nearly twice the 20 percent who said the same in 2007.”

Shall we rephrase? “A great majority-sixty-one percent of African-Americans-did not agree that the ‘situation of black people in this country’ is better than it was five years ago. In 2007, a whopping 80 percent said that the ‘situation of black people in this country’ is not better than it was five years ago.”


CNN: “A majority of African-Americans polled, 53 percent, said that life for blacks in the future will be better than it is now.”

Which, let’s try…. “Nearly half of African-Americans polled, 47 percent, said that they did not agree that life for blacks in the future will be better than it is now.”

CNN: “Even with the upbeat findings, more than eight in 10 African-Americans said the country needs to make more changes before blacks have equal rights with whites.”

So, you mean: “Eight in 10 African-Americans said the country needs to make more changes before blacks have equal rights with whites.”