"Show me a happy homosexual and I'll show you a gay corpse."

Le Sigh

You know what we needed most of all, in the year 2010? A revival of The Boys in the Band. Thuper! It opens February 21! Let us turn the clock back to 1968, when Clive Barnes wrote in the Times: “As the conventional thing to say about Mart Crowley’s ‘The Boys in the Band’ will be something to the effect that it makes Edward Albee’s ‘Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?’ seem like a vicarage tea party, let me at least take the opportunity of saying it first.” Duly noted. And 1969, the headline: “’The Boys in the Band’ Is Still a Sad Gay Romp.” And 1970: “THE BOYS IN THE BAND” has just entered its third year at Theater Four on West 55th Street, and the damndest thing has happened to it. It has become a period piece.” Other interesting Times pieces on the same subject: “More Homosexuals Aided To Become Heterosexual,” February 28, 1971.