Job Filled

by The Awl

We’re thrilled to announce that Silvia Killingsworth will be joining us here in April. Silvia is currently the Managing Editor of the New Yorker, where she has spent the last seven years managing the workflow of the magazine. (You may also know her from the web’s greatest food vertical, De Gustibus.) Silvia’s breadth of experience and wealth of ideas and just genuine enthusiasm (an emotion you may have noticed as being in short supply over the last, say, seven years here) about things make her the clear and obvious choice to head The Awl as it evolves into its next stage of life. In fact, we’re so impressed by her vision for the site that we have also tasked her to oversee the revival of The Hairpin, which will begin at roughly the same time. It’s an enormous undertaking, but we would not have assigned it to any one person unless we were completely convinced that she was eager and able to do it. We hope you’re as excited as we are to watch this new phase unfold, and we ask you to join us in welcoming Silvia aboard. In even better news, her opinions on coffee are restrained and in no way doctrinaire. Thank you.