RIP Details

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It had been expected for some time in the run-up to media layoff season that Condé Nast would close its less-loved-but-certainly-not-lesser men’s magazine Details and lifestyle publication Self. Well, here’s the official memo, announcing that Details will cease to exist — get ready for GQ Style Dot Com — while Self’s sales team will be merged with Glamour’s, possibly in a run-up to going digital-only:

Today, our premium digital network reaches an all-time high of 98.6 million consumers — nearly double the size of our audience just two years ago. We also rank #1 in comScore’s Lifestyle Category among affluent millennials, a position we have held for 24 consecutive months. As we evolve our business and respond to the changing behavior of our audiences, we also need to change how we work with our advertising partners.

With this in mind, today I’m pleased to announce that we are bringing together the sales and marketing teams at Glamour and Self. Under the direction of Glamour publisher and chief revenue officer Connie Anne Phillips, the unified teams will leverage the audience scale of two great brands and create a leading women’s advertising platform for our clients. The editorial teams at both brands will continue to operate independently and maintain their unique voices and perspectives.

Additionally, we have decided to build on the success and massive overall audience of GQ as our men’s brand, and will be expanding the business through their GQ Style franchise. GQ Style, which has consistently been popular among upscale millennials and luxury advertisers alike, will significantly expand its digital presence and also increase to a quarterly print schedule.

As a result of these changes, Details will cease publication with the December 2015/January 2016 issue. will continue to operate as we transition to in the coming months. Details editor-in-chief Dan Peres and publisher and chief revenue officer Drew Schutte in addition to Self publisher and chief revenue officer Mary Murko will be leaving Condé Nast. I would like to thank Dan, Drew and Mary for their many contributions over the years.

Our audience results speak for themselves and prove to me that we are well positioned for future growth and vitality. I’m looking forward to working with all of you toward making that a reality. Thank you for all of your continued hard work that makes Condé Nast a world-class media company, without peer.

No word on if this month’s “all-time high of 98.6 million consumers” and being “#1 in comScore’s Lifestyle Category among affluent millennials, a position we have held for 24 consecutive months” once again merits free coffee from the Condé Coffee Bar — or when the real Condé Nast purge will take place, courtesy of FTI Consulting.