Patrick Cowley, "Kickin' In"

A headline like “Astronomers reveal how Earth will die” offers a brief bit of hope on an otherwise joyless morning, but it turns out that “Earth’s final days” are a long way off so we’re still stuck standing on line in the self-serve lane behind someone who is apparently unfamiliar with scanning technology even though it is 2015 and even old people have managed to master it by now and all the other attendant indignities of daily existence for the foreseeable future. If your plan is to just put up with things until the planet comes to a close you will probably have to scheme up a new strategy, is what I’m saying; otherwise you will be sorely disappointed. (You will be sorely disappointed either way — “sorely disappointed” is about as accurate and concise a review I can offer for life — but also you will be waiting around forever, and what’s more annoying than that?) What to do in the meantime? Fuck if I know. But at least there’s music. I had this one on in the background earlier this morning and at about four-and-a-half minutes in I started smiling quite broadly, almost giggling. There’s just some funny about it, in the best way that word is understood. Barring total planetary annihilation this is likely the only thing that will bring me some happiness today, so I share it here in hopes that it does the same for you. Enjoy.