Blood Orange, "Sandra's Smile"

At a restaurant recently I couldn’t help but overhear four women at a nearby table discussing their strategies for making it through this winter without succumbing to depression. They all had carefully-crafted plans that drew on their experiences with the previous two periods of never-ending dusk and cold that we endured here in town, and the way they encouraged each other and made approving noises in support of their table-mates’ strategies made me smile and feel good about people and ever so briefly forget the sad, inviolable truth: If you are here for winter you will be depressed. There is no escaping the feeling of emptiness and sorrow that the gloom and chill of late January bring. When winter descends you will despair, and even the best-drawn blueprints of October will come to nothing once those endless days of darkness settle in. Hold your memories of summer close, because they are all you will have left to warm you soon, not that it will be anywhere near enough. Via Pitchfork, here’s the new one from Dev Hynes. Enjoy.