Commenter Really Into Alcohol

“Reading articles like this I often wonder if I’m alone in drinking because I … like the taste of alcohol. I don’t find getting drunk all that pleasant or a good social prop (quite the opposite, I hate making a fool of myself because drink has dulled my social reactions). Because of its depressant effect I find I drink less when I’m feeling down than when I’m feeling good. I drink because I don’t know of anything nicer than a rich red wine or port on a winter’s evening, or a crisp, mineral white wine on a summer’s day. I love the complexity and sharpness of a good IPA and the satisfying richness of a well poured stout. Any mix of fruit juices tastes vastly better with the body and kick of a clean-tasting vodka or tequila. Alcohol, like good food or fresh air or the smell of flowers, is just one of the things that makes a good life that bit better.”

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