Hudson Mohawke, "System"

Have you had one of those weeks where you kept thinking it was a day later than it actually was, only to have your illusions shattered each afternoon by friends and colleagues? Were you knee-deep in celebration last night before suddenly remembering that no, it was not yet the start of the weekend after all? Did your heart express to your stomach with the realization that you had to be wrenched and ground down by the week for one more day? Well, good news. It is definitely, assuredly a confirmed Friday after all. This is it. Make it through these next few hours and you have two whole days of weekend to luxuriate in the freedo — oh, they’re over now, it’s Monday again, you wasted it. Hahaha, j/k. Or am I? The weekends go so fast and the weeks they last so long. But I promise you that, at this moment, you are still on the good side of the weekend. Energize yourself with this Hudson Mohawke track and enjoy, because soon — too soon; always, too soon — it will all be over.