Aliens Won't Visit Because We Suck So Bad

“We look across the landscapes of the other worlds within our solar system, now including Pluto, and see no intelligent life. The worlds within our solar system show no city lights, no road systems, and no obelisks of generations long gone. Our loneliness within our solar system makes it natural to look beyond, to stars and galaxies, to search for communicative folks. We hope to learn if we are alone or if, instead, we may join in a large collective of sentient beings with whom to share this universe.”
— Did it ever occur to these people that maybe we’re lonely for a reason? Maybe we’re not worth seeking out? Maybe everyone else has already looked deeply into who we are and decided that they would be wise to stay as far away as they can, remaining silent if necessary rather than risk the possibility of being forced to spend a single second in our presence? Or worse, what if they’ve simply glimpsed us from a far distance and assessed just how awful we are? We’re miserable, and if we’re honest with ourselves we’ll admit that we wouldn’t want to make contact with us either. We just suck, and the sooner we acknowledge that the sooner we’ll make peace with how all alone we are and will remain. We don’t deserve companionship. Even the void recoils at the idea.