Pixar and the Incredibly Canny Valley

The trailer for Pixar’s new movie, The Good Dinosaur, is gorgeous.

It’s nearly photorealistic.

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And the trailer spends a lot of time emphasizing it: close shots of piles of objects and textures, water. Water! Nobody’s quite nailed water, except maybe Pixar, now, in this dinosaur movie.







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What is this muppet???





Orrr… 🙂 ???

Every Pixar movie has dealt with this a little bit: Toy Story made its human characters somewhat more cartoonish than the toys themselves. The first half of Wall-E was nearly photorealistic (within its narrow visual palette):

While the second was rendered in caricature:

This visual change tracked with Wall-E’s story somewhat, and it sounds like the choice to render dinosaurs in a way that evokes cartoons while placing them in environments that attempt faithful reproduction may claim a thematic basis as well:

Sohn said they are toying with the idea of what dinosaurs represent today — something anachronistic or resistant to change.

But who cares! The result is interesting and strange — a cartoon within a cartoon. The CGI has its own CGI! It’s sort of like Who Framed Roger Rabbit except the conceit is a little less in your face. So it’s… Howard the Duck? Or like Ted… squared? And anyway, the alternative is this (SPOILER ALERT):

Big questions abound regarding this new movie for children.