Magazine Taken to Slaughterhouse


“I don’t want to speak ill of the dying, but what is the plausible audience in such a magazine?” he asked. “It was too kind of nitty-gritty and old-fashioned, back-to-the-land hippie magazine for the food-farm porn market, and yet too ‘What about the dairy situation in the Philippines?’ for people who are really raising chickens for a living.”

Fortunately for Kurt Andersen’s karma, but not for anybody who worked there or is owed money by it, Modern Farmer, the National Magazine Award-winning publication about farming for people who have no actual interest in farming, is no longer dying, it is dead:

Jesse Hirsh, a senior editor who came from San Francisco to help start the magazine, and Cara Parks, the executive editor who joined the staff in October, were the paid editorial staff that remained. When they left Friday, the editorial content was left to two interns who were scheduled to leave by the end of January.

Will the last intern to leave the office please remember to feed the goats on the way out?