Toyota Challenges Us All 'To Be a Dad'

by Awl Sponsors

Brought to you by The Bold New Camry | Toyota.

Studies indicate that if you grew up with a father who was a positive role model, you’re more likely to become a good father yourself. But what we discovered in Toyota’s new film directed by Lauren Greenfield tells us a much bigger and inspirational story.

‘To Be a Dad’ proves that even if you didn’t grow up with the best father, you can make the choice to become a good father yourself. We talked to some incredible fathers from all walks of life who made that choice. And while some of them had great dads, others had emotionally unavailable dads, absent dads and some had no dads at all. The more we listened, the clearer it became: You can’t choose the father you have; you can only choose the dad you’ll be.

Check out the video below honoring dads everywhere. Honor your dad. Tweet us photos of him using #OneBoldChoice to join our big game celebration.