New York City, January 11, 2015

★★★ A flock of little sunlit white clouds swooped up in a curve in the west. Gradually but not altogether slowly they were replaced by a solid rippling cover of clouds, darkening the morning and lunch. Then, downriver, the water and the sky brightened a little. In the new apartment tower, the column of rooms with south-facing windows lit up with a pale bare-concrete color, while the neighboring spaces stayed dark. Full sun came on, hopeful light, giving an airplane and a helicopter their colors, closing distances. Looking west on 66th Street, the towers in New Jersey seemed to be just a few blocks ahead. Out in the forecourt as twilight came up, a soapy wand swiped through the cold air made bubbles that plopped straight down to the bricks. Then the three-year-old breathed through the bubble gear, and the new ones floated.