Why Your Dad Will Always Be Your Hero

by Awl Sponsors

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Brought to you by Toyota.

1. Your Dad Was Always There for You
After waking up early, clocking in 10 hours at work and driving home in traffic, your dad still found the time to talk to you about your day and help you with your science fair project. Your dad was always there through thick and thin.

2) Your Dad Taught You the Value of Hard Work
Your dad taught you that any job worth starting is worth finishing. Work hard and never give up — it builds character and always pays off in the end.

3) Your Dad Taught You How to Grill the Perfect Hamburger
Finally — after 15 years of practice — you can finally grill up a perfect hot dog or hamburger. But it still won’t ever taste quite as good as your dad’s.

4) Your Dad Taught You the Important Things in Life, Told You Hard Truths and Always Looked Out for You
Your dad taught you how to be selfless and respectful to others — even when they didn’t agree with you. He’s also responsible for half of everything important you’ll ever know about classic rock, raising a family and making sacrifices for the people you love.

Check out the video below honoring dads everywhere. Honor your dad. Tweet us photos of him using #OneBoldChoice to join our big game celebration.