The Case Against Saying Anything At All

What if academics followed the new model of @nfergus and @nntaleb and got paid based on #controversy and #engagement?

— Prof. Jeff H Jarvis (@ProfJeffJarvis) August 12, 2014

@ProfJeffJarvis is a long-running parody account that pokes fun at media pundit Jeff Jarvis, and the broader FUTURE OF MEDIA conversation online.

@lynnlayman @ProfJeffJarvis Thanks Lynn, “prof” Jarvis commits 3 fallacies, implies shouting truth => seeking controversy, not byproduct.

— Nassim N. Taleb ن (@nntaleb) August 12, 2014

Nassim Taleb is a philosopher, statistician, and public intellectual.

.@lynnlayman @nntaleb But the question is monetization and trust. Who pays for epistemological analysis? A paywall?

— Prof. Jeff H Jarvis (@ProfJeffJarvis) August 12, 2014

@ProfJeffJarvis once posted this funny joke: “Just had a great @Lyft in Palo Alto. Driver writes for NY Times on the side. Drives a Jaguar!”

@ProfJeffJarvis @lynnlayman Prof Jarvis, BS vendors like tend to think other people are also BS vendors. #rigor, #logic, #mathematics

— Nassim N. Taleb ن (@nntaleb) August 12, 2014

Nassim Taleb wrote The Black Swan.

.@nntaleb @lynnlayman I would contend this is a post-BS world, in the sense that such distinctions no longer have traction. Only rhetoric

— Prof. Jeff H Jarvis (@ProfJeffJarvis) August 12, 2014

@ProfJeffJarvis’s bio is, “Hyperglocal thinkfluencer, Journalism 3.0 advocate. Cofounder @ Mogadishu::REinvent unconference. Investor/CIO (chief imagineer) @ NEXTIFY Labs unworkspace.”

@ProfJeffJarvis @lynnlayman You’re a fucking charlatan polluting intellectual life.

— Nassim N. Taleb ن (@nntaleb) August 12, 2014

Nassim Taleb predicted the collapse of the global economy.

.@nntaleb @lynnlayman There’s nothing poisonous about pragmatism. Need to engage with the real world of Change 2.0, not a hypothetical one.

— Prof. Jeff H Jarvis (@ProfJeffJarvis) August 12, 2014

@ProfJeffJarvis’s profile photo contains a beer helmet.

.@nntaleb Have to run to meeting but would love to have you at our unconference, Mogadishu REinvent, to discuss further?

— Prof. Jeff H Jarvis (@ProfJeffJarvis) August 12, 2014

Nassim Taleb is an expert in the field of uncertainty.

Update: The machine never sleeps.