History Recorded

Hacked? EPA Office of Water tweets about Kardashian App

EPA tweet about Kim Kardashian confuses and entertains the Internet

Kim Kardashian App Takes Over Environmental Protection Agency’s Twitter

EPA Office of Water Is Caught Playing Kim Kardashian Mobile Game

‘That Happened’: The Head-Scratching Tweet From an Official EPA Account That Had Some People ‘Howling’ With Laughter

Kim Kardashian App Takes Over Government Agency’s Twitter Account

Kim Kardashian’s iPhone Game Infiltrates A Goverment Twitter Account, World Domination Seems Imminent

EPA tweets about Kim Kardashian, old congressman gets confused

‘I’m now a C-list celebrity!’: Environmental Protection Agency sends out embarrassing tweet about Kim Kardashian’s smartphone game

EPA tweet baffles: ‘I’m now a C-List celebrity in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood’ iPhone game

The EPA just can’t seem to get enough of the Kim Kardashian app

Hacked? EPA’s Office of Water tweets about Kim Kardashian app

EPA sends tweet about Kim Kardashian game

For Some Reason, EPA Water Tweeted About Kardashian App Tonight

EPA Office Of Water Tweets About Kim Kardashian App

Kim Kardashian’s App Gets Tweeted By the EPA Because the Kardashians Run the Government

All The Coolest U.S. Government Staffers Are Playing Kim Kardashian’s iPhone Game

Yes. Yes. Perfect. YES.

EPA Gets Caught Playing ‘Kim Kardashian: Hollywood’

EPA Office of Water caught playing ‘Kim Kardashian: Hollywood’ in embarrassing tweet

Rep. Dingell checks in on EPA after Kim Kardashian tweet

EPA: Protecting Our Water, Doing Okay-ish on Kim Kardashian Hollywood

EPA sends out tweet promoting Kim Kardashian game, apologizes for doing so

EPA water office sorry for tweet about Kardashian app
