Facebook Explains Itself

That strange sensation, which manifests itself, physically, as the sensation of a pit in your stomach expanding ever wider while the tiniest perceptible dew drops of ice cold sweat force themselves from the pores of your back like an insect emerging from its pupa, is the feeling of sublime dread and utter acceptance that washes over you when you realize that you are about to be completely and utterly consumed, from the inside out. That is what Facebook feels like, to basically everyone, but most acutely to those in the publishing industry. Today it has finally explained why. We have curated the relevant bits above, reproduced in Facebook’s native dialect.


Organic content still has value on Facebook, and Pages that publish great content — content that teaches people something, entertains them, makes them think, or in some other way adds value to their lives — can still reach people in News Feed. However,

However. However!

Read more at the Official Facebook Blog.