Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

US unemployment rate

— cigolo (@cigolo) May 2, 2014

Unemploy rates by education: No high school degree (8.9%), HS degree (6.3%), 2 yr deg or some college (5.7%), college+ (3.3%)

— Zachary Goldfarb (@Goldfarb) May 2, 2014

Labor force participation collapsed back to 62.8%…where it was in the late ’70s.

— Matt Phillips (@MatthewPhillips) May 2, 2014

@MatthewPhillips Get ready for further collapse:

— kevin kane (@kevinjosephkane) May 2, 2014

Almost there! After April, we’re just 120K jobs away from recovering all the jobs lost in the Great Recession!

— Matt Phillips (@MatthewPhillips) May 2, 2014

And we still have about zero net job growth over the past seven years.

— Annie Lowrey (@AnnieLowrey) May 2, 2014