Camille, "Fontaine de lait"

What are you like?

Photo: Thomas Claveirole

If you’re like me, you wander around each day in a haze of despair and self-recrimination, as memories of every terrible thing you’ve done over the course of your life flood your consciousness unbidden and with no easy method for dispersal. You can barely go a block without being overwhelmed by the essential sadness of everything, from the quotidian pain you can read on the faces of strangers to the sheer futility of human existence you see everywhere you look. Observing a small act of kindness should provide at least a brief moment of respite but it actually makes things worse, since you know how rare it is and how the majority of our actions are based in selfishness, fear and indifference. Your shoulders slump as if they are bearing the weight of the world, which in many ways they are, but it’s even worse to realize that none of it has any meaning and when you finally pass on all this suffering will have counted for naught and every second you have been cursed by consciousness has been a empty slog from nothing to nothing. Also if you’re like me you were crazy about Camille’s Le fil a decade ago and then promptly forgot about her. Turns out she’s got a new one coming soon. Here’s a track from it. Enjoy!