Finally, A Restaurant In Union Sqaure

Soon you'll be able to eat INDOORS, Union Square squirrel!

In what the city’s Law Department is calling “a win for the community” around Union Square, the state’s highest court has ruled that “the Parks Department can move ahead with a plan to allow a seasonal restaurant to open in the park’s recently renovated northern pavilion.” This is not just a victory for those who live in the neighborhood; it is a boon to any hungry traveler whose desperation for sustenance is so strong that they cannot venture out to one of the dozen other options that are literally within eyeshot of the food desert that is the north end of the square. This will be especially welcome on the three days of the week during which the local farmers, bakers and culinary artisans who customarily set up stalls to vend their wares are not present. Menu prices are expected to top out at $33.95, which is at least in line with other local establishments.

Photo by Charles Hoffman, via Flickr