Leandro Fresco & Rafael Anton Irisarri, "Un Horizonte En Llamas"

Everything will be better and this time they mean it.

Photo: corchplow

If we make it to tomorrow we’ll see the sun again, they say, but they tell you a lot of things that never turn out to be true — or, if they are true, they’re never as good as they promised you. Maybe the weekend will be amazing! Maybe once we get past this day it will be summer from here on out and soon our only complaint will be that it’s too bright and the weather is so warm all the time. Maybe all the nations of the world will join together in peace and harmony and we will all raise our voices to sing the planet’s traditional anthem of friendship, Quad City DJ’s’ “C’mon N’ Ride It (The Train).” Maybe! But I’ve been burned so many times before I’m just going to expect darkness and gloom and be pleasantly surprised if things turn out in any way otherwise. Okay, enough of me. Here’s another track from that terrific Leandro Fresco/Rafael Anton Irisarri collaboration. Enjoy.