A Poem by Andrew Szilvasy


I will not say this child has died in vain
whose picture made its way around the net:
publicity will bring about some change.

I’ve spread the word and shared the pic, arranged
a Google hangout and consumed my night
saying that this child has not died in vain.

The way we’ve treated them is inhumane;
I’ve posted all about the children’s plight.
Publicity will bring about some change.

My church has raised awareness and arranged
to send some letters home appended with a note
assuring them his death was not in vain.

I watched the television special range
from sad devotion to a soaring duet.
Publicity will bring about some change.

I bought a t-shirt from my friend’s urbane
new website. It presents a silhouette.
Beneath it: This child did not die in vain.
Publicity will bring about some change.



Andrew Szilvasy teaches British Literature outside of Boston, and has poems appearing or forthcoming in CutBank, Permafrost, THINK Journal, and Dunes Review among others. He lives in Boston with his wife and cat. Aside from writing, reading and teaching, Andrew spends his time hiking, running, and brewing beer.

The Poetry Section is edited by Mark Bibbins.