Passing For Human

Liana Finck is having a gallery show on the Lower East Side, and you should go.

Image: Liana Finck, obvs.

One of the best things that has happened to this website since I’ve been at the wheel is Liana Finck gracing it with her pen. She is a cartoonist for The New Yorker, and the author of A Bintel Brief: On Love and Longing in Old New York. If you enjoy her work—so razor-sharp it stings—her prolific Instagram is a must-follow. She is a little like the Roz Chast of my generation, if possibly more sui generis—darker, and with sharper teeth.

Starting next week, she will have her first solo exhibition, at the Artists’ Equity Gallery in downtown Manhattan:

Liana Finck, Passing for Human
July 19 — August 5, 2017
Curated by Melinda Wang

Equity Gallery, 245 Broome Street, NY, NY 10002
Opening Reception: Wednesday, July 19, 6–8pm
Gallery Hours: Wednesday to Saturday, 12–6pm, and by appointment

Liana Finck, Passing for Human