Down by the Old Mainstream

How to play Spotify.

Photo: Pål Nordseth

Among Farley’s most popular pseudonyms is the Toilet Bowl Cleaners, whose “The Poop Song” has been streamed more than 400,000 times. But just because the song’s about poop doesn’t mean it’s shit, as Farley told Vulture. “Take a listen. These are real songs. I know they’re about poop, but I’m proud of them. They’re actually good,” he says.

There are so many amazing details in Adam K. Raymond’s piece on how artists (or “artists”) are manipulating Spotify that it’s hard to choose just one, but c’mon, “The Poop Song.” It’d be harder not to choose that one. Anyway, you will enjoy this.

How Spammers, Superstars, and Tech Giants Gamed the Music Industry